Saturday, October 4, 2008

Smart UAC Replacement

Admit it, of all of Windows Vista's new features, the one that you found least useful and exciting was UAC. UAC requests permission for many actions that require administrator privileges, even if you are logged in as admin. While it might stop you from making a bad choice, it is so annoying that users often develop the reflex of hitting continue whenever a UAC box comes up.

Image:User Account Control administrator dialog.png

(A UAC box, courtesy of Wikipedia)

Often times, users just end up disabling UAC rather than allowing it to pester them while they try to work. Smart UAC Replacement is an attempt to fix this.


(Image from

Smart UAC replacement can remember your choices for a particular program, and after a while the UAC boxes become far and few between. It can also determine some actions without user input, trap harmful processes using a malware database, and monitors for rootkits. Any rules created for allowing or denying actions of a program can be edited in text files stored in the root of your system drive. Smart UAC Replacement is available here. Once installed, it will disable regular UAC, and take its place.

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