If, in the midst of an economic crisis you inexplicably find yourself with way to much cash, here are some gadgets to spend it on(most of these serve little or no practical purpose, but are cool nonetheless).
Soil Lamp(left)
This lamp creates electricity with bacteria in mud. All it requires is a bit of water now and then. Not sure how its supposed to work, as it doesn’t appear to be able to take energy in, and so would have to have replacement soil(but what do I know?)
Available at Marieke Staps.
I did preface this post by saying that these are usually a waste of money right? This is a backyard nuclear reactor. It produces 25 megawatts of power for five years. It also costs $25000000. It works out to around 10 cents per kilowatt-hour, which is probably cheaper than what your currently paying. So you can save money! Of course, you have to buy the electricity in 25 million dollar bundles, but I suppose you can always sell it back to the grid right? The company will even install this underground in your backyard, although it will need replacing every five years. It also puts out 70 megawatts of heat, so I’m not sure what you do with that. Link.
This watch is made from moon dust and parts of Apollo 11. Different versions are available from $15000 through $500000. Gizmodo.
Finally, and this one is really crazy, a hydraulic excavator.
So next time an evil villain comes to try and destroy your city, you can safely climb a tower in your personal excavator.
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