puerSilicon has announced a 1TB 2.5in SSD. It has a data density of 15.40gb per cubic centimeter, three times greater than that of any other SSD. It is also compliant with military requirements for operation in extreme environments and provides 256bit AES encryption onboard. This drive will be available in the third quarter of 2009. No pricing details are available yet, but with 30GB drives costing over $100, this thing will not be cheap.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
MacWorld Rumors
With MacWorld just a few days away the Internet has started its Apple Rumor Machine.
A new iMac with four cores, a new cooling system, and an NVIDIA graphics card is probably coming.
A new Mac Mini with dual display support, an updated processor, the same graphics system found in the macbook, and possibly a new look.
An Apple Media Server, much like the Time Capsule and running on the ARM processor found in the iPod Touch and iPhone.
An iPhone nano, with a predicted price of $99 and AppStore compatibility.
A large-screen iPod Touch, to be announced for October, with a 7ish inch screen. In addition, Apple may just give us an updated iPhone/iPod Touch software version(cut and paste please!)
A new iLife suite with the option to run in the cloud(and tie in with MobileMe), and a demo of Snow Leopard. The Apple TV and the Mac Mini may(not sounding likely) be combined.
Aside from all of that the iMac and Mac Mini will include display port support and lower power usage. The iPod Tablet will probably get a large boost in battery life over the iPhone/iPod Touch. Steve will talk a lot about iTunes sales, and iPhone sales. Fortunately if you watch the online feed after the show you can just skip all of that.